
Automate your tasks on the computer

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Z-Cron built-in functions

The Z-Cron program has over 100 built-in functions that take numerous time-controlled actions in order to easily automate work processes on the computer. This enables you to carry out complex tasks without knowledge of a script language.

ALARMShows the Z-Alarm-clock window for 4 minutes. The sound will be played with the built-in speaker – in contrast to the command Z-ALARM.
CHECKHTMLCheck if a specific HTML page is available and if not – run a Z-Cron job.
CHECKPOINTCreate Windows System Restore Point.
CHECKURLCheck for internet connection and run a command if no connection has been established.
CLEANFILEScheduled deleting of files which are older than XX days. You can set the age of the files in an input field in the task’s setup.
CLEANUPDIRDelete all files and subdirectories in the selected directory which are older than XX days. You can set the age of the files using an input field in the task ‘s setup. This command works recursively.
COPYDIRCopy a directory.
COPYFILECopy file(s).
DELETEDelete file(s).
DESTROYClose a window/application.
DOWNLOADDownload file via HTTP protocol.
DYNIPMAILCheck dynamic IP address and send e-mail if it changes.
EMPTY-TRASHEmpty Windows recycle bin on all drives.
FS20-SENDSends a command to an FS20 receiver to automatically control connected home devices.
GETCGICheck for/run internet CGI script.
GETURLFile download using HTTP protocol.
HIBERNATESets computer into hibernate mode with the possibility to reactivate it after a certain period of time.
HOSTPINGWith this function you can send “PINGs” to a host name to test a computer’s reaction time and availability.
INFOShows the saved info message on the screen for 4 minutes.
IPCAM-MAILTake a photo with an IP camera and send it to an email address.
KILLQuits a program.
KILLWINQuit a program given its window name.
KILLWIN-JOBQuit a program given its window name and run a Z-Cron job afterwards.
LASTRUNLaunches a program and shuts down the computer after the program has finished.
LOCKMYPCLock computer/workstation.
LOGFILECLEARDelete Z-Cron log file.
LOGOFFLog out of the system.
MAILSend email with SMTP.
MAIL-ATTACHChecks a directory for files and sends – if availableas an e-mail attachment.
MESSAGESend message to a computer or workgroup (Microsoft messenger service).
MOH-PLAYStart Music on Hold (MoH).
MOH-STOPStop Music on Hold (MoH).
MONITOROFFSwitch off screen (Powersave).
MONITORONSwitch on screen (Powersave).
MOVEDIRMove directory/folder.
MOVEFILEMove file(s).
MP3-FOLDERPlay all MP3 files located in one folder.
MP3-FOLDER-LOOPPlay all MP3 files within a folder in a contiuous loop.
MP3-PLAYPlay MP3 media file.
MP3-HALTPause the playback of an MP3 file
MP3-RESUMEResume the playback of an MP3 file
MP3-STOPStop the playback of an MP3 file
NIC-STARTSwitch on a selected network card.
NIC-STOPSwitch off a selected network card.
NTPTIMESynchronize system time with a NTP time server. You need access to a time server and must not use a firewall blocking UDP port 37 because time is adjusted using this port.
OPENThe display is carried out with the application registered for the file type.
PAPER-SHUFFLELoad a random picture from a specified folder and set it as the PC wallpaper (Freeware Version supports only 20 pictures).
PC-TIMERPuts the computer into hibernation and wakes it up at a specified time.
PINGCommand to send “PINGs” to an IP-Address to test a computer’s reaction time and availability.
PLAYPlaying multi-Media file. The account is carried out with the application registered for the file type.
POWERCHANGESwitch electrical device over the USB port.
POWERINTERVALSwitches an electronic device on or off for a specified number of seconds.
POWEROFFSwitch off electrical device over the USB port.
POWERONSwitch on electrical device over the USB port.
POWERSWITCHSwitch electrical device on if it was off – off if it was on.
PRINTFILEPrint a file or document.
RAS-DIALEstablish an internet/VPN connection with Dialup network connections (Modem/ISDN).
RAS-HANGUPDisconnect internet/VPN connection.
REBOOTReboot computer.
REMOTE-SHUTDOWNShut down a remote computerin your network.
RMDIRDelete a directory.
SCREENMAILSend screen as image via email.
SCREENSAVEONSwitch on screensaver.
SCREENSAVEOFFSwitch off screensaver.
SELFTESTVirus self test.
SENDLOGFILESend Z-Cron log file as e-mail.
SENDSSHCMDSends a command via SSH to a remote computer
SERVICE-RESTARTRestarts the selected system service.
SERVICE-STARTStarts the selected system service.
SERVICE-STOPStops the selected system service.
SERVICE-WATCHMonitors the selected system service.
SETARCHIVBITSet archive bit.
SHADOW-COPYCreate a shadow copy a selected drive.
SHUTDOWNShut down computer.
SHUTDOWN-MESSAGEShut down computer with alert message.
STANDBYSets the computer into Standby mode.
STARTREMOTEStart a Z-Cron job on a computer in the network.
THERMO-OFFStart job if temperature is below specified threshold.
THERMO-ONStart job if temperature is above specified threshold.
TIMESTAMPWrite a timestamp into the log file.
TOUCHFILESChange file timestamps (last access/last change).
UNZIPUnzip ZIP file in the indicated directory.
VBSRIPTExecute VBScript code.
VIDEO-FOLDERPlay all video files within a folder using the Z-Cron Video Player
VIDEO-PLAYStarts playback of a video with the Z-Cron Video Player
VIDEO-STOPStops the Z-Cron Video Player
VOLUMECONTROLChange volume or set to “mute”. Currently not supported on Windows Vista/7/8.
VPN-CONNECTEstablish a connection to a VPN server.
VPN-DISCONNECTTerminate the connection to a VPN server.
WAKEONLANSwitch on computers in the local network.
WAKEUPONSTANDBYPuts the computer into hibernation and wakes it up at a specified time.
WALLPAPERChange Windows desktop background picture.
WATCHMonitors a program.If a monitored program “dies”- it will be restarted.
WATCH-JOBProgram supervision starts a Z Cron job if the indicated program hasn’t started.
WAVEPLAYPlay a .wav file.
Z-ALARMShows Z-Alarm clock window for 4 minutes and plays the file zcron.wav.
ZIPFILESave file into a ZIP file.
ZIPFOLDERSave directory into a ZIP file.
FTP-STARTStarts the built-in FTP / SFTP server module
FTP-STOPDisables the built-in FTP / SFTP server module
MEDIA-EJECTEject CD/DVD, RDX, USB and removable drives
USB-CONNECT-ONCleware Turn on USB Connect
USB-CONNECT-OFFCleware Turn off USB Connect

Z-Cron Task monitoring

You can use the built-in e-mail function to be notified of the progress of the actions or to monitor your computer system.