Backup Monitoring

Monitoring your backups is just as important as performing backups in the first place. You need to be sure that you have a complete and working backup in case something goes wrong.

Z-Journal is a freeware program to monitor the execution of backups performed with Z-TapeBackup and Z-DBackup. Backups can be monitored from any computer on the local network.

Additionally USB Backup Lights can be used to check the status of your last backup even without a computer.

Z-Journal Network Graph


Z-Journal is used to monitore the execution and display the log files of backups performed by Z-TapeBackup and Z-DBackup. You can install it on any PC and it will keep track of the backups performed on other PCs within the local network. Only the log file folders of the backup PCs have to be shared on the network.

Z-Journal Icon
The backup status in Z-Journal

Add Z-Journal to the auto boot of your computer to get automatically notified about the status of your last backup on start up.

Z-Journal OK Message
Z-Journal Warning Message

Once started Z-Journal will keep track of all your backups. To visualize the status of your last backup you can additionally use a USB Backup Light.

USB Backup Light

The USB Backup Light is a simple yet very effective way to display the status of your last backup. It looks like a traffic light with three light areas in red, yellow and green. The light areas consist of seven superbright LEDs with about 200 mcd each and a viewing angle of 30°.

Monitoring backups can be easily done by any staff member without them needing access to the companies server.


Use of the USB Backup Light in conjunction with Z-Journal has proven effective in many companies, offices and with dentists.


You can buy the USB Backup Light directly from the manufacturer Cleware for 57, – €
