Freeware Version
Licensed Version
Backup sets
1:1 file copies


Maximum number of files per backup set (1:1 file copy)
no limit*
Maximum total file size per backup set (1:1 file copy)
1 TB
no limit*
Supported path length
up to 32767 characters
up to 32767 characters
Backup archive
Freeware Version
Licensed Version
Maximum number of files per backup set (ZIP archive)
up to 250.000
up to 500.000*
Maximum number of files per backup set (ZDB archive)
up to 250.000
up to 1.000.000*
Maximum total file size per backup set (ZIP/ZDB archive)
1 TB
no limit*
ZIP format
PKZIP 4.05 - 64 Bit
PKZIP 4.05 - 64 Bit
Deflate compression


Deflate64 compression

Backup-Archiv standard encryption


Backup-Archiv 256-Bit AES encryption

Check the functionality of created backup archives
up to 1 GB
up to 4, 12, 24 GByte
Self-extracting backup archives (SFX)
up to 2 GByte
up to 2 GByte
Freeware Version
Licensed Version


Handles UNC paths


connect/disconnect network drive


Freeware Version
Licensed Version
Supports Windows Servers 2019, 2016, 2012 (R2), SBS, 2008 (R2),
Z-DBackup Server
System image backup


Disk-Image- and bare-metal-recovery


Virus self test


Freeware Version
Licensed Version
Link backup sets

Auto Shutdown


E-mail notification (SMTP)


Send backups archives as e-mail attachments

Registry Backup

Scheduling and automation
Using Z-Cron or Windows scheduler
Using Z-Cron or Windows scheduler
Automatically run external programs before/after backup


Start batch or Visual Basic scripts before/after backup


Start/stop system services (e.g. SQL-Server) before/after backup


Filter inklusive


Filter exklusive


Restoration in update or synchronization mode


Incremental backup


Differential backup


Backup open or locked files
with Z-VSScopy
with Z-VSScopy
Directory synchronization (Refresh and synchronization mode)


Version backup (Cron backup)


Outlook 2000/XP/2003/2007/2010/2013 Backup


Automatical data verification (1:1 comparison)

Backup of hidden and system files


Backup medium
Freeware Version
Licensed Version
Backup to USB Stick


Backup to Iomega® REV


Backup to RDX-drives


Backup to CD-R/DVD/Blu-Ray
with Z-DataBurn
with Z-DataBurn
Backup to FTP-Server FTP/FTPS
with Z-FTPcopy
with Z-FTPcopy
Multi-Spanning of backups on hard disks


Multi-Spanning of backups on CD/DVD/Blu-Ray
up to 4 CDs

Tape backup
Freeware Version
Licensed Version
Tape backup to all tape drives (DAT, DLT, LTO ...)
with Z-TapeBackup
with Z-TapeBackup
Multi-Spanning on tapes

License and Use
Freeware Version
Licensed Version
Commercial and business use of our software

Entitlement to free e-mail support

*option or limit depends on the used hardware and operating system