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You can start Visual Basic Scripts (.vbs) before or after a backup. VBScript is the scripting version of Visual Basic (VB) and can be run on every Windows system with the Windows Scripting Host (WSH).


Requirements and Tips

Microsoft Windows Scripting Host (WSH) must be installed in order to use VB scripts. You can check this by running the example script 'ZDB-Test.vbs'.

Properties and methods of the WScript object, such as WScript.Sleep or WScript.Echo, cannot be used in the script. You can find more info in the Microsoft knowledge base .

Example Scripts
 All example scripts are located in the folder 'VBScripts' in the Z-DBackup program directory. These example scripts may be changed or extended by us from time to time. If you make any changes to these scripts, be sure to save them under a different name, or else your changes will be overwritten during one of the next LiveUpdates.

 The following scripts are included in a Z-DBackup installation:

 This script tests whether Windows Scripting Host is installed on your system and gives you a little insight into the possibilities of Visual Basic scripting.

 This script quits Microsoft Outlook.

 This script quits Microsoft Outlook Express.

 This script quits a task given its name. You can find out the name of a task with the Windows Task Manager.

 Helpful Websites on VB Scripting

Microsoft Windows Script Download 

Microsoft Windows Scripting Manual 

Google Groups: Microsoft Scripting Newsgroups 

Actions before/after the backup



Shell Script

Start/Stop Service

Z-Cron Job

SSH Copy


Add-On Modules




 All used trademarks and company names are subject to copyright of their respective companies.



  Z-DBackup © 2023 Andreas Baumann