USB Connect
The Cleware USB Connect Switch is a special switch for the computer controlled connection and disconnection of USB devices. The switch has two USB sockets used to connect two devices to each other and a USB controll cable that you connect to the PC that is in charge of switching the USB connection between the devices on and off.
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To protect the content of your backup it is crucial that the backup medium isn't permanently connected to the PC, but instead only gets connected right before the backup and is disconnected immediately afterwards. The USB Connect Switch allows you to automize this process instead of having to manually connect and disconnect an external USB drive before and after every backup. To do so you would permanently connect the external USB drive to one of the sockets on the USB Connect Switch, connect the other USB socket to your PC and additionally connect the USB controll cable to the PC.
Z-DBackup allows you to automatically connect or disconnect the two devices (e.g. USB drive and PC) attached to the USB Controll Switch before or after every backup. This guarantees that your backup medium is only connected to your PC during the backup process.
Enter the ID of your USB Connect Switch in the corresponding text field to identify the switch to controll. The ID can be found on the backside of every USB Connect Switch.
Actions before/after the backup
•Shell Script
•Start/Stop Service
•Z-Cron Job
•SSH Copy
•Add-On Modules
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