Available in the freeware version
Close Outlook
Quits the program Microsoft Outlook.

Close Z-TapeBackup
Quits the program Z-TapeBackup.

Copy backup archive
The backup archive(s) created by Z-DBackup can be copied to another directory or medium. Use the "Network copy" action to copy the backup to a remote location.

Copy log file
Copies the log file of this backup set to the selected directory.

Create Shadow Copy
Creates a shadow copy of the selected source drive.

Delete log file
The log file for this Backup Set is deleted.

Close a program with a given window name. In contrast to the "Exit" function, the "Destroy" function tries several methods to also close minimized programs.

Disconnect USB device
Automatically deactivate/unmount the USB device used for the backup. The device can then be switched off without data loss.

Display message
Show a dialog box with a user-defined message.

Display note
Shows the note that was saved for the backup set as a message on the screen.

Eject CD/DVD/Blu-Ray
Eject the medium from a disk drive.

Eject REV medium
Eject Iomega® REV™ medium.
This function is available if the Iomega® REV software is installed. If you use Windows Vista™ or newer, please make sure you have the latest version of the REV software installed.

Eject target medium
Eject target medium, can be used to eject RDX mediums etc.

Empty Recycle bin
Empties the Windows recycle bin.
Erase tape
Clear a tape medium and delete all its contents. You can erase a tape before each full backup, for example.

Programs frequently prevent backup programs from accessing their files as long as they are active. If you want to backup such files, you can use this action to close a program before the backup.
If you do not want to quit a program, but still want to include open files in a backup, you can install our module Z-VSScopy for Z-DBackup.

FTP download
Automatic download of files or directories from an FTP server.
For this action, the FTP tab in the Backup Set settings must be filled in.

Load REV medium
Loads an Iomega® REV™ medium.
This function is available if the Iomega® REV software is installed. If you use Windows Vista™ or newer, please make sure you have the latest version of the REV software installed.

mediDok SQL-Backup
Trigger a backup of the mediDOC SQL data base.
Mount HDD
Mounts the target HDD.

Mount VHD
Mounts the selected VHD file.

Network copy
Copy the Z-DBackup backup archive to a network drive/directory with a UNC path.

Pause x seconds.

Play sound
Play a Wave sound file.

Priority - High/Low/Normal
Set the process priority of Z-DBackup to one of the following Values: low, normal, high. A process with a higher priority gets prefered by the operating system when it comes to allocating cpu usage time. Setting the process priority of Z-DBackup to low or high can have an influence on the performance of Z-DBackup compared to other currently running programs if the cpu is under heavy load.

Run batch file
Start a batch file and await its termination before the backup is resumed.
If the exit code/return value of the batch script is larger than 0, the backup is aborted because this signifies an error condition.

Run VBScript
Start a Visual Basic Script (.vbs) and await its termination. The backup will start only when the script is not running anymore. To use this feature, the Microsoft Windows® Scripting Host must be installed. You can check this by running the example script Test.vbs that comes with Z-DBackup.

Run Z-Cron job
Run a specified Z-Cron job. To use this feature, Z-Cron must be installed and there must be at least one Z-Cron job. Optionally, you can control remote computers in the local network with Z-Cron.

Self backup
Z-DBackup's program settings and Backup Sets are saved.

SSH/FTP - download
Automatic download of files or directories from an FTP server via the secure SSH protocol.
For this action, the FTP tab in the Backup Set settings must be filled in.

SSH/FTP - upload
Automatic upload of files or directories from an FTP server via the secure SSH protocol.
For this action, the FTP tab in the Backup Set settings must be filled in.

Start + wait
To open a file and wait for the associated program to finish, you can use this option. The backup or next action is run only when the file isn't open anymore.

Start Addison Service
Starts the Addison service.
Start MSSQL Express
Start Microsoft SQL Express Edition.

Start MSSQL Server
Start Microsoft SQL Server Engine.

Start system service
Start a selected system service.

Start TurboMed® DB
Start TurboMed Database.
This function is only available if the TurboMed software is installed.
This option allows to open/start any file. Immediately after loading, the next action is executed or, if all actions have been run, the backup is started.

Stop Addison Service
Stops the Addison service.
Stop MSSQL Express
Stop Microsoft SQL Express Edition.

Stop MSSQL Server
Exit Microsoft SQL Server Engine.

Stop system service
Stop a selected system service.

Stop TurboMed® DB
Exit TurboMed Database.
This function is only available if the TurboMed software is installed.
TapeLoader - Load tape
The specified tape is loaded.

TapeLoader - Unload tape
The specified tape is unloaded/ejected.

The execution of the backup is dependent on whether changes where made to a selected trigger file or not, since the last backup. Whether the trigger file changed or not is determined by comparing the current checksum of the trigger file to the old checksum. For this action the only applicable execution time is "before the start".

A specified TCP command is sent to an IP address.

Unmount HDD
Unmounts the target HDD.

USB-Power on
Establishes a USB connection betweem a USB device attached to a "USB Connect Switch" and a PC.

USB-Power off
Disconnects a USB devices attached to a "USB Connect Switch" from the PC.
