A USB device is used as a removable medium. When connected to the computer, it is assigned a drive letter by the Windows operating system. If Z-DBackup cannot locate the path for a USB device (memory stick or hard disk), it will try to determine the correct drive letter automatically. You can also include several USB devices in a pool for the backup.
USB device pool
To add new mediums to a pool, connect the USB device to your computer and click on the button "Detect USB drives". A USB device is added to the pool if the box next to its name is checked.
Example: Two USB HDD from are pooled for drive F:\. The backup is created on one of these USB HDD.
Backup Settings
•Settings Window
•Backup Name and Medium
•Backup to NAS
•Backup to DVD-RAM
•Backup to Tape
•Backup Target - ZIP
•Backup Target - COPY
•Backup Target - TAPE
•Tape and Burner
•Delete old backups
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