Navigation: Z-DBACKUP Help System > Program > Backup Settings >

Backup Target  -  COPY





Target directory
Use the "Choose directory" button to select the drive and directory in which the backup should be created. After you have chosen a directory, the path will appear in the text field.

The backup target can be a removable medium, network drive, external hard drive or local drive. From there, the backup can optionally be automatically copied or moved to tape, CD, DVD or Blu-Ray. The drives you can select in the dialog depend on the chosen backup medium.

With this setting it is possible to enhance the target directory name with the date and time or weekday.



 The backup settings can optionally be protected with a password.

The password can contain one to 32 characters. Allowed characters are: 0-9, a-z, A-Z and the symbols !%/&()?.-;+:@*<>#. The password is case-sensitive, i.e. upper- and lowercase letters are different. Generally, longer passwords (eight or more characters) are more secure than shorter passwords, and password containing letters and numbers are more secure than those containing only letters or only numbers.

Shut Down Computer


Select this option it your computer should be automatically shut down after backup.

Autmatical Backup Verification (only in the professional version)

If the backup should automatically be verified after creation, this option should be selected.


1:1 comparison between source data and backup data. The content of all copied files is compared to the content of the original files. But note: With larger backups or network backups, it is possible that some files are altered by the system or another user even during backup! In this case, the verification fails and Z-DBackup marks the backup as faulty, even though the backup process was in fact successful.

  Extended NTFS file information and security settings are not taken into account during verification! Please regularly check the functionality and completeness of your backups!

Checks that all files source files of the backup are present in the target directory and that their size and last modificaton date are equivalent.

Print Protocol



Select this option if the protocoll should be printed after backup.

 E-mail Notification


Z-DBackup offers the possibility to automatically send an e-mail to s specified address. This feature can be used by administrators who want to run Z-DBackup on servers and want to be informed about the result of automatic backups, even if they are absent. The e-mail message contains the time and date and the log file of the backup. The configuration of sender and recipient is done in the program setup – E-mail server settings .

 Linked Backup Sets – Batch Automation


If you want to start several backup sets as one job, e.g. copy data from two different drives or partitions, you can link backup sets with this option.  This link is a forward link, i.e. A link from the current backup set will point to the backup set selected here. The backup set you select here will be started automatically after the current backup set has finished its backup task.

You can only link one backup set with one other backup set directly, but you could link the second backup set to a third one and thus concatenate as many backup-sets as you have.

You have 4 Backup Sets: Backup Set 1 to Backup Set 4 and what to them to be executed in the following order: Backup Set 4, Backup Set 2, Backup Set 3

The shutdown option is disabled for linked backup sets because only the last backup set of one link chain can shut down the computer.

  In the freeware version it is not possible to batch-process linked backup sets, i.e. only the called backup set is processed!




 All used trademarks and company names are subject to copyright of their respective companies.



  Z-DBackup © 2023 Andreas Baumann