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Backup to NAS





Backup in a network

A network is, in the most general sense, everything that connects computers. It can be used for backups in various ways, such as backup to a shared drive on a workstation, backup of the office server or backup to a stand-alone storage solution in a network (network attached storage – NAS).


Z-DBackup must be able to maintain a network connection on its own independently of the current user and therefore uses UNC paths instead of drive letters. UNC is short for universal naming convention  and is a standard system for naming network drives. With a UNC path, any ressource in a network can be accessed directly without a drive letter mapping.



UNC network pool

Equivalently to the USP pool, several UNC drives can be pooled in a network pool. If a pool is selected as the target, the backup is copied to the first available network drive in this pool.


Backup Settings

Settings Window

Backup Name and Medium

Backup to USB

Backup to DVD-RAM

Backup to Tape

Backup Target  -  ZIP

Backup Target  -  COPY

Backup Target  -  TAPE

Tape and Burner



Delete old backups




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  Z-DBackup © 2023 Andreas Baumann