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Archive Format





The file name of the backup set contains the date of the backup which enables chronological backups or backups using the generation principle with one backup set, e.g.:

 Backup set 1

     D01080130.ZDB     Backup from 2008-01-30
     D01080131.ZDB     Backup from 2008-01-31

 If the user has specified a differential or incremental backup, this option is automatically activated by Z-DBackup and the file name format is set to JJMMDD-hhmm! (In the freeware version of Z-DBackup, the file name format is DDMMJJ_hhmm).

 In the freeware version of Z-DBackup only the first three options are available.


 The backup archives are named after the day of the week and get overwritten in the following week. You can thus access all data from the last week.

 Generation principle

1st week






2nd week






3rd week






4th week












52nd week







The MON - THU backup archives are overwritten in the following week, the Friday archives only every 52 weeks. You can therefore access all data from one year.

The generation principle only works with the backup method copy backup . If the generation principle should be restricted to one month, older backup files can be automatically deleted by Z-DBackup. This setting is not necessary for the REV™- Loaders 280/560. The control of the Iomega® REV™-Loaders 280/560 works through entries in the action list  prior to and after the backup.

Generation principle Month
 Like Generation principle but the Friday archives get overwritten after one month.
The MON - THU backup archives get overwritten every week and the Friday archives every 4 weeks.
You have thus always access to daily backups of last week and the weekly backups of the last 4 weeks.

Custom file name for backup archives

The word entered here will be used in the file name after the number of the backup set.
 e.g. when "_BackupName" is entered and the file format ZDB chosen for backup set no. 3, the file name of the backup archive created is going to be "D03_BackupName.zdb".

Create .ZIP archive
Archives are not created in unknown, cryptic formats. The Z-DBackup archive format is compatible with the most recent standard ZIP format . You can thus quickly, directly and securely access the backup files even without Z-DBackup.


The backup file is created in the ZIP format . This option makes sense if, for example, you want to use your archive on another computer or just transport your data.

 Create .ZDB archive


The backup file is created in the ZIP-Container format, with the extension .ZDB. Windows recognizes files by their extension and will know, for example, that D01BACK.ZDB is a backup file from Z-DBackup, because the extension .ZDB was registered for Z-DBackup at its installation.

 Create 1:1 Copy
 This option is activated if you selected 1:1 Copy in the "Backup" tab before.


Delete Target Directory before Backup
If this option is activated, the target directory is deleted before the backup.

  Deleting the target directory is only possible with 1:1 copies!

 Automatically delete old backups (not available in the freeware version)
If chronological backups are activated, e.g. with differential or incremental  backups, Z-DBackup can automatically delete old backup files. It can delete files depending on their age (in days) or the number of files in the backup folder, or a combination of the two.

For a differential weekday backup  (5 days) a suitable setting would be:


Do not delete full backup (not available in the freeware version)

If this option is activated, the last differential  (or incremental ) full backup is not deleted. Point of reference is the date of the last full backup, i.e. all backups that were created on the same day as the last full backup will not be deleted automatically.




 All used trademarks and company names are subject to copyright of their respective companies.



  Z-DBackup © 2023 Andreas Baumann