Target location Select the target drive and directory using the button. After you have selected the target directory, the path is shown in the text field.
The backup target can be a removable medium, a network drive or a local hard disk. From there, the backup can optionally and automatically be copied or moved to tape, CD-R/RW or DVD+/- R/RW. Do not use the root folder of the medium, but create a new folder for each backup.
Security (only for backup archives)
The encryption feature of Z-DBackup offers the possibility to protect your archives from access by unauthorized persons. Z-DBackup lets you specify a password which is used to encrypt the data in your backup archives. The Professional Version of Z-DBackup offers two encryption methods for backup files which can be selected with the radio buttons.
Enter a password if your backup files should be encrypted with a password. If a backup file is encrypted, only the table of contents can be viewed, but the files themselves can neither be displayed nor restored.

This button shows the stored password as normal text. If this button is not displayed, the option "Hide button to display passwords" was activated in the program settings.
The password can be up to 32 characters long and can contain these characters: 0-9, a-z, A-Z and the symbols !%/&()?.-;+:@*<>#. Please note that passwords are case-sensitive, i.e. uppercase letters are different from lowercase letters. Generally, longer passwords (passwords with 8 or more characters) are more secure than short passwords, and passwords that contain letters and numbers are more secure than those that contain only letters.
Write down your password and keep it safe! Without the password, you cannot access the password-protected backup archive and you cannot restore the data!
Copy backup to tape, CD-R/RW or DVD A CD-R/RW cannot simply be written like a hard disk. The creation of a backup archives (i.e. a ZIP file) requires random access to the medium. But a CD/DVD/Blu-Ray disk must be written in one piece, the process must not be interrupted. It is not possible to jump back to another spot and add something there. For that reason, Z-DBackup first creates the backup archive in a target directory and then copies the archive to CD/DVD/Blu-Ray or to tape!

Copy the backup file to tape. This option is available if the add-on module Z-TapeBackup is installed.

Burn the backup file to CD/DVD/Blu-Ray. This option is available if the add-on module Z-DataBurn is installed.

Copy the backup file to an FTP server. This option is available if the add-on module Z-FTPcopy is installed.
If a removable medium is the target for a backup, these options are not available!
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