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Backup Format





Create ZIP or ZDB backup archive

The archives are not created in unknown, cryptic formats. The Z-DBackup archive format is compatible to recent version of the standard ZIP format . Thus, a direct, quick and reliable access to the backup files (even without Z-DBackup) is ensured. The default setting is the creation of the backup file in the ZIP format .


Create ZIP archive
The backup file is created in the standard ZIP format . This option is useful if you want to use the backup file on another computer or simply transport your data.

Create ZDB archive
The backup file is created in the standard ZIP format  with the extension .ZDB. Windows uses extensions to recognize file types. Windows knows, for example, that D01BACK.ZDB is a Z-DBackup archive, because the extension .ZDB was registered by Z-DBackup during installation.

Create self-extracting EXE archive
If this option is selected, the backup file is created as a self-extracting EXE archive instead of a ZIP file. Due to limitations in the SFX technology (PKZIP 2.04g), the maximum archive size is limited to 2048 MB (2 GB).

Create 1:1 file copy
Create 1:1 file copies of drives or directories.

Synchronize directories, delete removed files
Like synchronize, but also deletes files which are no longer present in the source from the target directory. Therefore, it creates an exact copy of the data from the source directory in the target directory. Only newer files and files that do not exist in the target directory are copied from the source directory to the target directory.

Synchronize directories
This feature can be used to synchronize directory contents between notebooks and personal computers, within home or company networks or even for backup purposes to external hard drives or other volumes. Files which are no longer present in the source are not deleted in the target.

  Files and directories in the target directory are automatically deleted if they no longer exist in the source directory.

  Only one directory can be selected for synchronization.




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  Z-DBackup © 2023 Andreas Baumann