UNC is short for Universal Naming Convention. This is a standard system for naming network drives. Via a UNC path it is possible to access any resource in a network without a drive letter mapping.
Z-DBackup must be able to establish a network connection on its own and independently of the currently logged-on user and therefore uses UNC paths to access remote resources such as network drives.
Example A directory called Backup is a shared resource on a NAS. A user account named Backup was created on the NAS and has the appropriate user permissions.

This button shows the stored password as normal text. If this button is not displayed, the option "Hide button to display passwords" was activated in the program settings.
The passwords for use with Z-DBackup can contain a maximum of 32 characters. Allowed characters are: 0-9, a-z, A-Z and the symbols _ ! % / & ( ) ? . - ; + : @ * # [ ] { } € § | ~ = $ " (no spaces). Please keep that in mind when creating the backup user account on your network computer.
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