Notes for use with Windows 11, 10, 8, 7 and Vista
Microsoft has introduced several security features in Windows Vista that must be considered for file operations. Generally, Z-DBackup does not require administrator rights. Such permissions are only necessary if files that are protected by the Windows operating system should be included in a backup.
There are two ways to start Z-DBackup with administrator rights:
1. If you on y want to start Z-DBackup with administrator rights once:
•Right-click on the Z-DBackup shortcut in the start menu or on your desktop
•Choose the context menu item "Run as administrator"
•Confirm the security question with "Allow"
2. If you always want to start Z-DBackup with administrator rights:
•Right-click on the Z-DBackup shortcut in the start menu or on your desktop
•Select "Properties" from the context menu
•Go to the tab "Compatibility"
•Check the box next to "Run program as administrator"
•Confirm the dialog with OK
Scheduled backups with Z-Cron
If the backup is started on schedule by Z-Cron, Z-DBackup gets the required user rights from the Z-Cron system service!
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