
Length of Path and File Name
The length of a file path including the file name, all directory names and separator slashes, for example "\Dokumente\Texte\Privat\Brief.doc", can be 255 characters maximum. However, the default for Windows 2003, for example, is 248 characters, obviously including the drive letter and colon ("D:\") as well as the final string termination character (that is not visible).
In NTFS (from Windows 2000) every part of the path could in theory contain up to 255 unicode characters, with a maximum total path length of 32768 characters. To handle files with such pathnames, however, all programs would have to be unicode-capable, which is not the case, even in Windows Vista/Windows 7.
1:1 Copy in Z-DBackup Z-DBackup is not a unicode program, but can handle path names with more than 255 characters. Like Windows Explorer, such files and directories cannot be shown in lists, however.
Backup ZIP Archives in Z-DBackup Caused by limitations in the PKZIP 4.05 format, path names longer than 255 characters are not allowed and cannot be archived by Z-DBackup.
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