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Setting up our software is a breeze with our setup routine. No special configuration is needed. After the installation, you can immediately back up any open, locked and currently used files with every backup set.


Z-VSScopy Status
The current status of 5 system services as well as the Z-VSScopy service is indicated here.

GREEN: Service is currently running.
YELLOW: Service isn't running but also not completely deactivated.
GREY: Service is deactivated.


 Lists the shadow copy system setting as well as the VSS writers and VSS providers in a log file.

 Restarts the 5 displayed system services.

 Opens a manual page containing troubleshooting information in case you encounter VSS related errors.


You have to enable the option VShadow Copy in the settings of each backup-set that should use Z-VSScopy's service.

1:1 copy


                        Backup archive



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 All used trademarks and company names are subject to copyright of their respective companies.



  Z-DBackup © 2023 Andreas Baumann