Navigation: Z-DBACKUP Help System > Program Settings >

Program Settings







Program Language
On the first run, the program checks the system language. If the system is in German, this will also be the program language; if it isn't, the program will be set to English and stores this setting. This setting can be changed here.

Program Mode
Here you can switch between User Mode and Expert Mode. Expert Mode is the normal program mode prior to version 5.9. In the new User Mode, all Backup Set properties are set and changed via the Wizard.

Color Theme
You can switch to a color theme and icon style of older Z-DBackup 5.0 versions.

Toolbar Icon
Change the icon size in the main window between 32x32 pixels and 48x48 pixels.

Quick Menu
If the Quick Menu is enabled, the toolbar buttons from the main window plus additional shortcuts to certain functions are displayed in a pulldown menu.

File selection
If Z-DBackup 5.0 is selected, the old file selector is used. (e.g. when you select source files or when you select files you want to restore)

Windows System Backup
Enables the menu entry for a system image backup in the quick menu. A restarts of Z-DBackup is need to take effect.

Turns on drive recognition DVD-RAM so that it can be used as a target drive.

Iomega REV
Turns on drive recognition for Iomega drives / loaders so that it can be used as a target drive.

Flash SSD cards

Activates the detection of SSD cards as target drives.

Windows Web Client Setup

Z-DBackup can optionally use the Microsoft WebDAV client, e.g. to create a data backup in the cloud.


Create desktop icon
Creates a desktop shortcut that start Z-DBackup with administrator rights.



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  Z-DBackup © 2023 Andreas Baumann