If certain files or directories should be excluded from the backup, you can select them in this window.
By default, all subdirectories and files in a backup set are included in the backup. This can be changed here, in the first tab.
Disable Hardlink and Junction Point Processing
NTFS Junction Points and hard links exist in newer Windows operating systems from Windows 2000 onwards. Junction points are a special method to link to a directory from another position in the file system, i.e. to make a directory appear in more than one place. In contrast to a simple .LNK shortcut, a junction point behaves just like a normal directory in Windows Explorer.
Backing up junction points is usually not necessary. In case you do want to include junction points and hard links in the backup, you can deselect this checkbox.
Only backup sets performing a 1:1 copy can currently include junction points in the backup. This option is not available for backup archives.
Here you can optionally select some predefined system directories that you might want to exclude from the backup.
Custom Filters
Here you can specify files or directories which you want to exclude from the backup. Z-DBackup also offers some predefined entries for backups of the system partition (usually C:\).
File/Directory Filter Usually, all files and subdirectories are copied during a backup. If you want to exclude a complete subdirectory, the directory must be specified with its relative path. This button takes you to a dialog window in which you can simply select the files or directories to be put on the custom blacklist.
Remove Filter You can remove a blacklist entry from the list by clicking on this button.
Add Filter If you want to exclude some files or directories from the backup, you can specify a custom blacklist entry with this button. The DOS wildcards ? and * are supported. You can also specify complete filenames (without path).
Filter for C:\ (Autofilter) This button adds some predefined files and folders to the blacklist if you want to make a complete backup of the system partition C:\. These predefined filters include temporary files, internet log files, cookies, etc.
Context Menu

A right-click on a blacklist entry opens the context menu which offers some more options.
Option: Edit
Edit a blacklist entry.
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