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License conditions






The free standard version of the software is offered under the following terms and conditions:


The subject of this contract is the program "Z-TapeBackup" by Andreas Baumann, including all program descriptions and user manuals, hereinafter referred to as "software."


I would like to inform you that it is impossible to create computer software that will run error-free in all possible combinations and environments given the current state of the art. Therefore, the software provided is only generally useful as described in the program documentation and user manuals. All statements on my website or in the attached documentation regarding the software's features are for general information only and do not constitute guaranteed properties.


By installing the software "Z-TapeBackup" on a computer or by distributing it to third parties, you agree to this license agreement.


The software is provided without any warranties.

The author, Andreas Baumann, cannot be held liable for any damages resulting from the use or inability to use this software by the user or third parties. In no case can the author be held responsible for any loss of profit, revenue, data, or any direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental, or punitive damages caused by the use or inability to use the software, regardless of potential liability, even if such damages were brought to the author’s attention.

The standard version of the software is free for private use. Commercial or professional use of the free version is prohibited.

The free standard version of the software may be used for evaluation purposes in businesses.

For professional or commercial use, you must acquire a license from the author. Unauthorized professional use of the free version violates applicable copyright laws and may result in civil and criminal prosecution.

Commercial or professional use or distribution in any form requires written consent from the author.

Modifications to the software or its documentation, or any form of decompilation, are prohibited.

Users are not entitled to free support for the software. However, we strive to assist users to the best of our abilities and provide qualified email support.

We are not obligated to provide free updates for the software. However, we aim to address bugs as soon as possible and introduce new features and updates.

The license fee includes one free replacement key if you lose your original key within the first 12 months of purchase. After that period, a processing fee will apply for issuing a new key.

If any provision of this contract is or becomes invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions is not affected. The invalid provision must be replaced by a valid provision that closely reflects the original intent.

The general terms and conditions of Andreas Baumann apply. Customer terms and conditions do not apply unless individually agreed upon by both parties.

Andreas Baumann
IMU Hard- und Softwareservice
 Schönhauser Allee 163
D-10435 Berlin

 Tel.: +49 01590 6510302




All used trademarks and company names are subject to copyright of their respective companies.




Copyright © 2024 Andreas Baumann