E-Mail Server Settings


This is the tab for the global settings for sending e-mails with Z-Dbackup.

Specify the SMTP Server which Z-DBackup should use for sending e-mails and the default e-mail address to where Z-DBackup will send the status reports for backup sets.


The button SMTP settings opens a window, where you can specify all settings of the SMTP server which Z-DBackup will use for sending e-mails.
The SMTP server can be an IP address or a domain name.

Sender e-mail
This is the e-mail address that the receiver will see as the sender address. You have to enter a sender e-mail address but this address doesn't have to be an existing one.

Recipient e-mail
The default e-mail address that Z-DBackup will send the e-mail to.
You can also enter a recipient e-mail address in the settings of each backup set, in case you want Z-DBackup to send the reports of different backup sets to different e-mail addresses.

The e-mail address to which a blind copy of every e-mail should be send.

Test settings
An e-mail will be send to test the given settings

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