E-Mail Notification

Z-DBackup offers the possibility to automatically send an e-mail to a specified mail address. This feature can be used by administrators who, for example, run Z-DBackup on servers and want to be notified about backup processes in absence. The e-mail contains date, time and log file of the backup. The sender and mail server settings are configured in the program setup .

Enter the recipient's e-mail address. Multiple addresses can be separated with a comma. You can also use the BCC field for blind copies.

 Recipient e-mail address
An email adress is a unique description for a message recipient which allows for sending mails to this recipient. The email adresses used for sending via SMTP over the internet consist of two parts: a local part and a global part, also called domain-part. Both parts are separated by an @ sign (AT sign). For example, in the e-mail address service@itcompany.com, 'service' is the local part and 'itcompany.com' is the domain-part.

 Backup name as e-mail subject
 If this option is deactivated, only the backup set number is written in the e-mail subject line.

 Send e-mail on error only
 If this option is activated, the e-mail is only sent if there was an error during the backup.

 Send log file as ZIP file when larger than XX KB
If this option is activated, the log file is automatically zipped if it is larger than the specified size

 Send log file as e-mail body
 Insert log file as e-mail text.

 Send backup file as attachment
The backup file can optionally be attached to the e-mail, but this feature should only be used for small archives (< 1 GB). Also look for the limit of your e-mail provider.


 All used trademarks and company names are subject to copyright of their respective companies.