Navigation: Z-DBACKUP Help System > Program > Scheduling - Z-Cron >

Optional Parameters




You can set additional options for Z-Cron on the second tab of this dialog.





 You have the choice between the following options:

 Run Backup
 If this option is deactivated, the scheduled backups will not be run, but the schedule will not be deleted.

 Do not show Z-DBackup windows
 No Z-DBackup windows are shown. Any communication between the program and the user's desktop is disabled.

 Allow multiple instances of Z-DBackup
 The default setting is that only one instance of Z-DBackup can be run at a moment.

 Full backup
 Run a complete backup with an incremental or differential backup set.

 Shut down computer after backup
 Automatically shuts down the computer after the backup.

User account
To make sure that Z-DBackup has appropriate access rights (NTFS permissions) to run backups, even if no user is currently logged in at the computer, you need to specify a user account that is used by the scheduler to run Z-DBackup. Enter the user name and password. If your user account does not have a password, enter the user name and password of the administrator account. If you have created a dedicated user account for backups, you should enter its login info here.


Z-Cron Scheduling

Scheduling - Z-Cron

Set Starting Time

User Permissions

Add-On Z-Cron




 All used trademarks and company names are subject to copyright of their respective companies.



  Z-DBackup © 2023 Andreas Baumann