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Windows Task Scheduler user account

Enter the user name and password for a windows account. The task is run as if it was started by that user. The scheduled task is not run if no password is specified (even if none is needed).

 The user name must be given in Microsoft notation, i.e. domainname\username or computername\username.


This button shows the stored password as normal text. If this button is not displayed, the option "Hide button to display passwords" was activated in the program settings.

 If the user account is not password-protected, the task scheduler will not run correctly. Allowed characters are: 0-9, a-z, A-Z and the symbols _ ! % / & ( ) ? . - ; + : @ * # [ ] { } € § | ~ = $ ".

 It is always a good idea to use dedicated service accounts and not an administrator account. This makes it easier to change the admin password later.




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  Z-DBackup © 2023 Andreas Baumann