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Further backup settings.


Mark as full backup
 If this option is checked, each file's history is updated to reflect that it was backed up and the log files of databases may be truncated.

The backup settings can optionally be protected with a password.

The password can contain one to 32 characters. Allowed characters are: 0-9, a-z, A-Z and the symbols !%/&()?.-;+:@*<>#. The password is case-sensitive, i.e. upper- and lowercase letters are different. Generally, longer passwords (eight or more characters) are more secure than shorter passwords, and password containing letters and numbers are more secure than those containing only letters or only numbers.

Windows Task Scheduler
For each backup set, you can choose between Z-Cron  and Windows Task Scheduler for scheduled backups. Select this option if you want to use Windows Task Scheduler.

Backup Notes and Default Settings

With this button, you can add a textnote to a backup set. The notes can also be accessed from the context menu in the main window. A note can be shown as a message on the screen before or after a backup with this backup set!

Default Settings

This button resets the backup set to the default settings.

 Windows System Backup

System Backup



Target - HDD

Target - Network



Image Catalog

Image Explorer


Windows Server

System Restore




 All used trademarks and company names are subject to copyright of their respective companies.



  Z-DBackup © 2023 Andreas Baumann