If single files cannot be included in a backup, their names are listed in the log file . There are several reasons for a "FileLock":
▪You tried to copy a file larger than 4 GB to a FAT32 formatted medium: read File Systems 
▪It can happen that a file is locked at the time Z-DBackup tries to copy it. This happens if it is currently accessed by other programs.
▪Occasionally, it may happen that a file which can usually be accessed is for some reason locked at the time of the backup. This is generally not a real problem. Z-DBackup will try again to copy the file during the next backup.
▪However, there are files which are always locked, such as the system's page file. These files cannot be copied the usual way.
▪Access denied – Your user account does not have the required access permissions to access certain files.
Microsoft has introduced some security features in Windows which have to be taken into account for file operations. Generally,
Z-DBackup does not require administrator rights. These are only needed if files or directories that are protected by the Windows operating system should be included in the backup – see Notes for use with Windows since Vista . If the backup is started on schedule by Z-Cron, Z-DBackup gains the required access permissions from the Z-Cron system service.
The add-on module Z-VSScopy allows Z-DBackup to access files that are open or locked by other applications.
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