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Backup to External Hard Disk




Backup to external USB hard disk

Backup to external USB hard disk

 The option Network/HD backup is especially suitable for backups to external USB hard disks as long as no multi-spanning is needed. If this option is activated, Z-DBackup also copies all open files (open shared files) and writes appropriate entries to the log file.


If Z-VSScopy  is not installed, files that are opened by other applications for exclusive write access (FileLock) are skipped with and recorded in the log file.

 Maximum performance
 Deactivate this option to prevent Z-DBackup from sending data faster than the target drive can process them. This is useful for slow components, such as USB or network drives, and can prevent Z-DBackup from freezing periodically or aborting backup processes to slow drives. You can specify a delay time from 0 to 10 ms in the program setup .




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  Z-DBackup © 2023 Andreas Baumann