Windows Task Scheduler
Scheduled backups Z-DBackup contains a built-in interface to Windows Task Scheduler. If the option Windows Task Scheduler was selected for a backup set, the scheduling settings for the selected backup set can be accessed with the button Schedule in the Z-DBackup settings window. The scheduling wizard lets you define any options that you want to use for the backup set.
User Account
To make sure that Z-DBackup has appropriate access permissions to access files during a backup, even if no user is logged in at the workstation at the time of the backup, Z-DBackup requires a user name and password for a user account if it is started on schedule. If your user account does not have a password, you need to specify the login data of the administrator account. If you have created a dedicated user account for backups, you should use the login info of this account.
Windows Task Scheduler can only start programs if user name and password were entered correctly!
You can find extensive information on Windows Task Scheduler in the Windows help files (Start → Help → tab Index → search term Task Scheduler).
You can find additional settings on the second tab in the dialog window.
Here you have various options:
Do not show Z-DBackup windows No Z-DBackup windows are shown. Any communication between the program and the user's desktop is disabled.
Allow multiple instances of Z-DBackup The default setting is that only one instance of Z-DBackup can be run at a time.
Full backup Run a complete backup with an incremental or differential backup set.
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