REV™ Drive

Backup with Z-DBackup and Iomega® REV™
The REV™ drive can be used either as a hard disk or a removable medium, and a variety of backup strategies can be realized with this drive.



Drive setup
 You can start the Iomega® REV™ administration program with the "Setup" button. The REV admin program allows system administrators to access REV service programs and change REV file system settings.

 Use drive as hard disk
The REV drive can be used either as a hard disk or a removable medium. When used for automatical or scheduled backups you should use the drive in hard disk mode.

 REV™-Loader 280/560
The Iomega® REV™ Loader 280/560 is controlled by entries in the action list  before and after the backup. Prior to backup, Z-DBackup needs to know which medium should be loaded for the backup. After the backup, the REV™ medium should be removed from the drive with the action Unload REV medium.


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