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Settings Password





Settings Password
 If the program settings of Z-DBackup should be protected with a password, you can enter one here.



The settings password can keep your settings safe from changes by accident or by unauthorized users.



Encrypt backup password
Passwords for backup archives  are stored encryptedly. However, Z-DBackup by default saves the passwords in its configuration files without encryption. If this does not satisfy your security demands, you can set this option to also encrypt the password in the backup archives.

Protect Restore with password
Calling a restoration from the Z-DBackup main window can also be protected with the settings password. This option ensures that no restoration can be run by accident. This settings works independently from a possibly existing password for backup archives!

Hide button to display passwords
If this option is inactive, passwords can be shown in normal letters by clicking on the magnifying glass symbol next to the password field. To increase security by not giving others the chance to see your password, you can enable this option and protect the program settings with a password.




 All used trademarks and company names are subject to copyright of their respective companies.



  Z-DBackup © 2023 Andreas Baumann