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Z-DBackup and Data Execution Prevention (Windows Server)

The Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is a security feature of Windows  for monitoring programs while they are running, but may in some cases lead to valid programs being closed. If the activation of Z-DBackup quits prematurely and without an error message, you should remove the program from the DEP and repeat the activation.

Windows 2000 and later:
 Start the control panel, go to "System" and select the "Advanced" tab. There, click the button "Settings..." in the group "Performance". In the new window, go to the tab "Data Execution Prevention".

 Windows Vista and later:

 Start "System" from the Control Panel and select "Advanced system settings" from the menu on the left. Click on the tab "Advanced" and then on "Settings..." in the group "Performance". In the new window, go to the tab "Data Execution Prevention".


Then, select "Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only" and click OK.




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  Z-DBackup © 2023 Andreas Baumann