With a scheduler, Z-DBackup can be automatically run at predefined points in time (e.g. daily, weekly, ) and automatically backup data. Z-DBackup itself does not contain a built-in scheduler for scheduled backups. This is not a disadvantage, but offers many advantages for professional users!
Z-Cron Task and Backup Scheduler
The Z-Cron scheduler was developed specifically for use with Z-DBackup. Z-Cron is a central coordination point for the automation of software. In addition to the scheduled launch of Z-DBackup or other applications, the program contains numerous tools that help to ease automatical system administration. Z-Cron is free for personal use, i.e. it runs on workstations (Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11) without time limitations.
Windows Task Scheduler
Recent versions of Microsoft Windows contain an integrated Task Scheduler. This also makes it possible to run any program at defined points in time.
No scheduling I start the backup manually
For each backup task (backup set) you can choose between Z-Cron and the Windows built-in task scheduler, which allows for a very flexible scheduling that leaves no wishes unfulfilled. The configuration is set up directly after the backup wizard. Special knowledge about the command-line parameters of Z-DBackup are not necessary, Z-DBackup has a built-in interface for both variants.
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