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Backup Filter





Filters are used to refine your file selection. For example, you can create a filter to skip all files whose names comply to a certain pattern.

Let's say you want to backup a directory and all its subdirectories, but want to exclude all files with the extension ".tmp" from your backup. You could of course manually remove all ".tmp" files in the source path  dialog window to achieve this, but this method is cumbersome and unreliable, because ".tmp" files that were newly created since the last backup would still be included in the next backup.


Delete filter
You can delete a created filter by selecting the filters from the list and clicking on the   Delete filter  button underneath the filter list.

Add filter
Usually all files from a directory are saved. If you want to restrict the file selection, you can create a file name mask with this button. You can use the well-known DOS wildcards ? und *. You can also specify complete file names (without path).

 Popup menu

A right click on the filter list opens a popup menu whose option are described in the following:

Option: Edit

Edit filter.

Option: Remove

Delete filter.




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  Z-DBackup © 2023 Andreas Baumann